Ernest Hemingway owned this Spanish Colonial style home from 1931 until his passing in 1961. Constructed of native rock hewn from the grounds, it boasts the first pool built in Key West.
Alfred Packer was not hanged. He escaped the noose on a technicality and was sentenced to 40 years labor in Canon City's State Penitentiary. His cause was taken up by a "progressive" newspaper, The Denver Post. It promoted the "man-eater's" victimhood and gained a pardon for Colorado's least picky gourmet. He died of natural causes in 1906.
"Sumo" Japanese Wrestling by the traditional form upper photo, a hard fight of grand champions in the ring lower photo, Champion Yokozuna-no-Dohyoiri, A colorful show in which the champions, wearing costly embroidered apron, appears in the ring to clap their hands and stamp with time honored custom.
Guillaume et l'Evêque Odon donnent l'ordre de construire une flotte. William and Bishop Odo order a fleet to be built. Wilhelm und Bischof Odon geben den Befehl eine Flotte zu bauen.
D & RGW Switchyard & Depot in Helper Partly visible on the right side of this old photograph is the round house. Engines were lined up here and assigned to help the trains climb over the 7500 ft. summit of the Wasatch Mountains to the west. The town of Helper got its name from this practice of adding "helper" engines to the trains.
The Plaza, site of Albuquerque's first settlement, still provides a cool, grassy oasis with benches for sitting in the sun or shade, visiting with friends. The bandstand is often used for summer entertainments.
My collection began in the 1990's. All postcards were either posted to me or purchased by me - the collection does not include cards without an immediate personal connection. I will not scan or post any of the messages written on the cards. Cards are not posted in any order.
“That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic and random is confusing. In between lies art.” -- John A. Locke
If you know me, send me a postcard. If you don't know me, . . . send me a postcard.